Abnormal or excessive distribution of hair can be the cause of great distress for many people. Unfortunately waxing and electrolysis often fails to satisfactorily deal with this very common problem.
Not all hair removal lasers are the same. Laser Dermatology offers multiple systems to safely treat all skin types in a secure medical setting.
Laser Dermatology now offers three different lasers and light systems to manage unwanted hair. These different machines allow for variation in skin colour and hair distribution.
The specifically designed wavelengths of laser light are absorbed by the pigmented hairs and the surrounding skin is spared. The light and energy from the laser or intense pulsed light (IPL) should destroy the "anatomical bulge" of those hairs which are in their growth (anagen) phase at the time of treatment.
Successful laser hair removal treatment requires experienced medical operators who understand the important balance of therapeutic laser/IPL energy powers in relation to different skin types. This understanding and experience is essential to avoid excess use of laser energy, which may result in skin damage at one end of the spectrum or weaker doses and therefore ineffective treatments at the other.
The light pulses feel similar to the flick of a rubber band. Compared to the discomfort of electrolysis, most people are pleasantly surprised at the gentleness of this hair removal procedure.
Transient redness may be apparent for up to 12 hours. A soothing cream may be used and makeup can be safely applied the next day. We suggest you avoid using irritant preparations such as glycolic acid creams and Retin A prior to and following laser/IPL hair removal treatment. Regular long term use of sunscreen is strongly recommended.
The site to be treated, the hair growth cycle and individual response will determine the number of laser/IPL hair removal treatments required. The complexity of hair growth is explained in some detail at the initial consultation.
After many years of experience with laser hair removal treatment, Laser Dermatology offers the same high standard of treatment with the added benefit of four alternate sources of light and energy available to safely treat all skin types. Many of our laser hair removal patients describe an average of 50% reduction in regrowth and hair density after three treatments conducted at six weekly intervals. It must be appreciated that individuals may vary in their response, with some doing better than others.
Our current recommendation for treatment is:
Don't forget laser / IPL treatment will only work on pigmented hair. As it is the pigment in the hair which absorbs and transfers the light energy to the base of the hair, laser treatment is ineffective on grey, blond or light red hair.
Laser / IPL hair removal treatment cannot be performed on suntanned skin. If you present with a tan, including "fake" tans, you will be asked to return after it has faded. For this reason, some people may prefer to delay their laser treatment until after summer.
IPL is not safe on skin with any amount of pigment, from olive skin to black skin. The only safe laser hair removal treatments for darker skinned individuals are the Alexandrite (GentleLASE PRO™) and long pulsed Cutera™ ExcelV laser laser hair removal systems.
The gold standard in laser hair removal can treat twice the surface area with the new 24mm spot. Safe on Fitzpatrick skin types 1-4. Laser wavelength 755nms.